Unforgettable Photo Bomb: Cheeky Elephant Makes Student’s Selfie Unforgettable with a Surprise Water Shower

During a fun elephant ride, a mischievous pachyderm decided to play a prank on its rider by spraying a sudden burst of water in his face while trying to take selfies. Clayton Kruse, a student, and his family were enjoying their summer holiday on an elephant trek when the unexpected shower caught them off guard just five minutes into the journey. Without any prior warning from their guides, the group found themselves in the River Khwae Yai in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, on a two-hour safari surrounded by playful elephants eager to engage in some water play.

Clayton Kruse lining up the shot with a selfie stick as he rides the elephant's back in Thailand

Clayton Kruse getting ready to snap a photo while riding an elephant in Thailand with the help of a selfie stick.

The playful animal had other ideas though, showering Clayton from head to toe with a trunk full of water

The mischievous animal had a different plan in mind, drenching Clayton completely with a sudden burst of water from its trunk. Recalling the moment, the 21-year-old remarked, “I had no idea it was going to start spraying water. The elephant ride along the river was meant to be a peaceful two-hour experience, but just five minutes in, the unexpected shower caught me off guard.” Worried about losing his selfie stick to the playful elephants or having it swept away by the river’s current, Clayton found himself in a hilarious predicament.

Clayton was riding the elephant in the River Khwae Yai, in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, when it happened

While enjoying a ride on an elephant in the River Khwae Yai in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, Clayton, hailing from Yucaipa, California, USA, experienced a hilarious moment. As the water was deep enough to submerge the entire elephant, Clayton decided to capture the adventure with a selfie. Little did he know that the elephant had a mischievous plan up its trunk. As Clayton tried to steer the elephant through the deep 12-foot water, the elephant suddenly raised its trunk and showered him, leaving him clinging to his selfie stick for dear life. His guide, standing on the rear of the elephant, was completely oblivious to the prank. The whole incident left one of Clayton’s fellow riders in stitches, watching as Clayton was completely drenched from head to toe by the playful elephant.

Making a splash: Clayton was left drenched after the elephant 

got revenge by spraying him with water from its trunk. Clayton ended up soaked from head to toe, a hilarious moment that had everyone in fits of laughter.

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